Consortium Requirements

  1. There should be evidence of the shelters existence for at least six months with at least 5 previous or existing shelter occupants
  2. The shelter should be having a clear copy of its shelter guidelines and principles
  3. Safe and secure location and environment of the shelter with, where need be, at least a fenced wall and gate.
  4. At least 6 months records of shelter meetings held at the shelter including appropriate files and records of previous shelter occupants
  5. Realistic or affordable rent for long term run. In case of successful grants regarding rent, a uniform amount shall be shared across the consortium members.

Consortium Guidelines

  1. All shelter occupants must be at least 18 years old.
  2. Background checks must be conducted for all shelter occupants. These may be conducted through resourceful and reliable organizations such as HRAPF, etc. 
  3. Shelter occupants may not exceed at least 1-3 months unless deemed necessary or unavoidable. 
  4. Shelter occupants must sign written acknowledgments of their adherence to the laid-out shelter guidelines as proof of consent.
  5. Shelter occupants must participate in the available shelter activities, ranging from internal chores to skill development programs, to mention but a few. Special considerations may be given to shelter occupants with jobs, educational programs, or productive activities they conduct outside the shelter.
  6. Shelter occupants must sign in and out while exiting the shelter premises at any given time with the full consent of the shelter administrators and managers.
  7. Shelter occupancy must only be given to applicants that are really in need of shelter services or are at a real and immediate threat or insecurity.
  8. Shelter occupants must be within shelter premises by at least 7 pm or 8 pm, where deemed necessary or reasonable. Late-hour entries into the shelters must be discouraged.
  9. Shelter occupants must be courteous and treat everyone with respect.
  10. Weapons, smoking, weed, alcohol, and illegal drugs are discouraged from being brought inside shelter premises.
  11. All forms of theft, abusive language, indecency, nudity, sexual and non-sexual harassment, violence towards anyone, or destruction of the shelter or anyone’s property should be discouraged inside and outside shelter premises.
  12. All forms of sexual activity of any kind between residents or staff are discouraged.
  13. A maximum of three warnings will be given to shelter occupants found to be in violation of shelter guidelines. The warnings should all be given in nature. Attainment of the third warning will result in shelter expulsions.
  14. ‘Unnecessary events’ are discouraged from being held at shelters while precaution is to be taken when ‘Necessary events’ are held at shelters with limited numbers as possible during appropriate times, to avoid attracting insecurities.
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